The book: Time Life, American Cooking: The Great West
The menu:
- Main Course: Lamb and Broccoli St. Francis, Eggplant-Banana (no joke!) Casserole, Cous-cous (thank goodness for something normal!)
- Dessert: Postre Borracho
The eggplant-banana casserole was even worse. I like eggplant. I like tomatoes (in fact, if I were stranded on a desert island with only 3 types of foods, tomatoes would probably be one). I like bananas. I could not conceive that mixing the three would have happy results, but I just had to try. In fact, the finished dish looked ok, with nicely overlapping slices of eggplant on top. Taste was a different question, though. Under no circumstances should one ever mix bananas with tomatoes and eggplant. Not ever. Not for any reason. If the stew looked like vomit, this was worse. It made me vomit. Literally. I honestly cannot remember the last time I tasted anything so bad. And I know it has to be the mix of ingredients. I ate several slices of the eggplant after they were prepped (seasoned and lightly fried). I also tasted the banana after it had been sauteed in butter. The tomato slices were just salted before being added to the casserole, so they can't have been the problem.
We ended up tossing both the stew and the eggplant and getting take-out from the little place down the street. It was that bad.
Dessert at least redeemed the meal. The cake is rich but not too sweet until it is soaked in a simple syrup doctored with vodka. The recipe instructs the baker to use a skewer to poke holes in the top. I did, but evidently not enough. The syrup mostly ran down the sides of the cake and pooled in the bottom. The hour the book recommended letting the cake sit in the syrup wasn't enough and the cake was a bit dry. By the next day, though, it had thoroughly absorbed the syrup and was delicious. I'd definitely make it again (but a day ahead).
Next time we explore some of the myriad cultures that have contributed to American cooking.
PS Before you discount main courses from this book, I should let you know that my very favorite chili recipe comes from it. Just assume that if it sounds too weird to be good, it probably is.